Les influenceurs sur Linked In :

Si vous ne prenez pas votre destin en main, l’IA va vous remplacer, et vous l’aurez bien mérité, parce que vous faites un travail d’exécutant.

Un développeur :

How long would it take me to write out the digits of 10^10?

Une IA :

Writing out the digits of 10^10 would take an incredibly long time. 10^10 is approximately 100,000,000,000,000,000,000, which means there are approximately 100 quadrillion digits in this number. If you could write one digit per second, it would take you about 31,709 years to write out all the digits of 10^10. This is assuming you never sleep, eat, or take any breaks, and that you can maintain a constant writing speed for that entire time. In reality, it would be impossible for a human to write out all the digits of 10^10. The task would be too physically demanding and would likely take more than a human life span to complete.

publié sur Linked In le 04/12/2023